GRS Transport

GRS Transport

The company has started through some of the professional managers and experts in transportation department, passenger and business with “alternation and innovation” in transportation services and with international development perspectives.

From the beginning with making a professional team of experts and specialists in transportation and consider to market situation, giving efficient services and advising clients in aviation sailing roads and all are in its strategies. We are hopeful to be number one with the help of clients in presenting the services.



  • Our main objective is boosting quality and maintaining our success through continual investment to develop services.
  • Customer satisfaction to be resulted in loyalty, sustainability in growth profit and value of the company.
  • Investing in human resources to increase their skills while boosting their leadership .
  • Trying  to increase service level to customers.
  • Advising and consulting in every level of giving services to achieve the outcome.
  • Providing secure and affordable solutions for customers to fulfill their goals.

Transport Services

  1. Road transport of passengers
  2. Road transportation of cargo
  3. Rail transport of passenger
  4. Railway transport
  5. Air transport of cargo
  6. Air transport of passenger
  7. Maritime transportation of cargo
  8. Maritime transport of passengers
  9. Port services
  10. Smart transportation control
  11. In town transportation of cargo
  12. In town transportation of passenger
  13. Search and rescue, air logistics, exploration

About Us

Global Registration Services

We always do the best to take the advantages of capable experienced managers, rendering the most desirable services.


Green City
Kids Business School Imperial Services